

In these activities, the devotees learn how to nourish their own spiritual creeper and to attract many potential new devotees.

  • Contacting
  • Cultivating
  • Commitment


By preaching we can burn up the effects of our offenses. By helping others to be Krishna conscious, we attract the mercy of Krishna in a very  quick manner and we can advance very quickly.

Book Distribution

Distribution of Srila Prabhupada's books on,

  • Festivals
  • Streets
  • Events
  • IT parks
  • Door-to-door

Book Distribution

This is the Greatest Welfare Activity for All the people of this World. These are not ordinary books. They are so potent that anyone who reads them is sure to become
Krishna Consicous. 

Festival Seva

As a group, we are given various oppportunities to serve the Lord in temple.

  • Dish Washing
  • Sabji cutting
  • Decoration
  • Book stall

Festival Seva

As jiva-atma, our constitutional position is to serve the supreme Lord. This is the best way to practically realise eternal bliss. We encourage you to take this practical step, irrespective of your devotional level. 

Technical Seva

In today's day and age we need help of technology to serve faster and more efficiently.

  • Mic and projector set up
  • Website development
  • Graphic design
  • Content creation

Technical Seva

In the service of Lord, Technology can be used by the principle of Yukta vairagya - Means using everything in Krishna’s service.

Examples  - use of mike to give lectures or play bhajans instead of some (say) political lecture, use of transport facilities so that one may travel faster so that one can preach more.